Bible Trivia Fun: Which Book Follows 2 Corinthians?

Welcome back, Bible trivia enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into a fun and engaging question about the sequence of books in the New Testament. Get ready to test your knowledge and maybe learn something new along the way.

So, the trivia question for today is: Which book follows 2 Corinthians?

Here are your options: A. John
B. Romans
C. Galatians
D. Ephesians

Think you know the answer? Let’s explore a bit before we reveal it!

A Quick Recap of 2 Corinthians

Before we move on, let’s take a brief look at 2 Corinthians. This book, written by the Apostle Paul, is actually a follow-up letter to the church in Corinth. Paul addresses a range of topics, from defending his apostolic authority to discussing the collection for the poor in Jerusalem. It’s a book filled with emotion, personal reflection, and theological insight.

The Options

Now, let’s break down the options:

A. John – The Gospel of John is an incredible book, detailing the life, ministry, and miracles of Jesus. However, it’s located earlier in the New Testament, right after Luke. So, John isn’t our answer.

B. Romans – Romans is another epistle by Paul, packed with theological depth and discussion on righteousness by faith. But, it actually precedes both Corinthians in the New Testament order.

C. Galatians – This letter to the Galatians addresses the issue of Gentile converts and the Mosaic Law, emphasizing that faith in Jesus, not law observance, is what justifies believers. Is this the right answer? We’ll see!

D. Ephesians – Ephesians is another one of Paul’s letters, focusing on the unity of the church and the cosmic scope of Christ’s work. This book, while essential, comes a bit later in the New Testament lineup.

Drumroll, Please…

The book that follows 2 Corinthians is… C. Galatians!

That’s right! After Paul’s heartfelt correspondence with the Corinthians, the New Testament continues with his letter to the Galatians. This book is pivotal in understanding Paul’s message about faith, freedom, and life in the Spirit.

See more Bible trivia: Bible trivia

Why Knowing the Order Matters

Understanding the order of the books in the Bible isn’t just about memorizing a list. It helps us grasp the flow of the narrative and the context of each letter or gospel. For instance, knowing that Galatians follows 2 Corinthians can give us insight into the issues Paul was addressing in the early church and how his message evolved.

Fun Fact

Did you know that Paul’s letters in the New Testament are generally arranged not by the order they were written, but by length? Romans is the longest, followed by 1 Corinthians, and so on. Galatians, being a shorter letter, comes after 2 Corinthians despite potentially being written earlier.


Bible trivia can be a delightful way to deepen your knowledge and appreciation of Scripture. Whether you’re a seasoned reader or new to the Bible, there’s always something intriguing to discover. So, keep those questions coming, and stay curious!

Read: 100 Bible trivia questions and answers for kids 

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