Bible Trivia Fun: Who Did Jesus Tell to “Put Up Thy Sword into the Sheath”?

Welcome, trivia enthusiasts, to another exciting round of Bible Trivia Fun! Today, we dive into a dramatic moment in the New Testament involving a command from Jesus that leaves us on the edge of our seats. The question is:

To whom did Jesus say, “Put up thy sword into the sheath”?

Here are your options:

A. Thomas
B. The high priests
C. A Roman centurion
D. Simon Peter

Take a moment to ponder before we reveal the answer. Picture the scene: it’s dark in the Garden of Gethsemane. The tension is palpable as Jesus is about to be arrested. A crowd arrives with torches, lanterns, and weapons. Suddenly, one of Jesus’ disciples springs into action, sword in hand, ready to defend his Master.

If you guessed D. Simon Peter, you are correct!

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The Context

Let’s set the stage a bit more. In John 18:10-11, we read:

“Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus. Then said Jesus unto Peter, ‘Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?'”

Peter, always the impulsive one, thought he could protect Jesus by force. But Jesus, ever the Prince of Peace, had a different plan. He calmly told Peter to put away his sword, emphasizing that His path was one of sacrifice, not violence.

Unpacking the Trivia

This moment is packed with significance:

  1. Peter’s Zeal: Peter’s act of cutting off Malchus’s ear was a misguided attempt to protect Jesus. It shows his passion and loyalty, albeit misplaced in that instance.
  2. Jesus’ Response: Jesus’ command to put away the sword reflects His commitment to non-violence and His acceptance of the path laid out before Him. It’s a profound reminder that sometimes, true strength lies in restraint.
  3. Healing Power: According to Luke 22:51, Jesus also healed Malchus’s ear, showcasing His compassion even in the face of betrayal and arrest.

Why It’s Fun Trivia

  1. Element of Surprise: Many might not recall the exact details of this dramatic event, making it a fun and challenging trivia question.
  2. Character Insight: It offers a glimpse into the personalities and relationships of the key figures in the New Testament.
  3. Moral Lessons: It’s a beautiful example of the values Jesus taught, such as forgiveness, peace, and the acceptance of God’s will.


Bible trivia isn’t just about testing our memory; it’s about revisiting these powerful stories and reflecting on their deeper meanings. So next time you hear the phrase “Put up thy sword into the sheath,” remember the night in Gethsemane, Peter’s fervent but misguided action, and Jesus’ unwavering commitment to peace and His divine mission.

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